Monday, October 4, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun......

We must be having A LOT of fun then, huh??? Well, I wanted to write down some things that have been happening so I don't forget them!! Meah turned 3 (THREE) last Sunday the 26th!! Her party was so much fun with her three little girlfriends and her dressed up in little pink tu-tu's I made!! I will do a whole different post about her party!! As of September 29th, Meah has been potty training!!! FINALLY! For the longest time she wanted nothing to do with being a "big girl". Then she turned three and it clicked all of a sudden. She is a naturally at it. Only having had 2 accidents. And those were due to being to busy playing to stop and potty.

As for Easton, holy cow he's 10 months old all ready! I can hardly believe it. I love that he's getting more and more independent though. He's even starting to stand without holding on to anything for a few seconds on his own. Meah was walking by 10 months 3 weeks. So, he could be trotting along anytime!! I seriously never thought I would have a boy. Maybe it's just the hair stylist in me thinking I would have all girls. But, I LOVE having my "little man" more than anything. He is such a momma's boy. It just melts my heart seeing him get a big grin when he first wakes up in the morning and sees me. Or when he gets up from his naps. I love that guy! And he adores his Papa and Sissy!

And on Monday Ben and I get to go up to Duluth to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary!!! Which technically isn't until Friday October 15th. But, life gets busy and you fit things in when you can. It will be our first time getting away without kids, ever!! The only time I've been away from Meah is when we were in the hospital having Easton. And I've never been away from E. I'm hoping I won't miss them too much. I know it'll be good for us to get away, just the two of us!

I feel like I'm rambling, but I want to slowly get myself caught up on our life. I always say I need to write it doen to remember, but I always forget, ha!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today Easton is already two months old!!! I seriously cannot believe how fast that time has gone. Ben and I took him to his 2 mo. check today. Our healthy little man is 13lbs. 10oz.! And he has already grown 4 in.! Dr. D was seriously impressed with his "talking" skills, and how well he can hold up his head. She said he was acting like he was 4 months not 2! He is very interactive with us. He actually sounds like he's trying to say words when he "talks" to us. I just love him so much. He is such a good baby. He sleeps really great, eats tons, and is just over all a content little man. He fits into our family perfectly.

Meah is an awesome big sister to him! She loves to give kisses and hugs to "baby easton" as she calls him. She's a great little helper for me. Always ready and willing to grab a diaper and wipes. I am blessed so incredibly with these 2 AMAZING kids I am honored to be mommy to!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


2 now means a whole lot nowadays!! Not only has Meah turned 2 since I last wrote. But, our handsome little man Easton was born! And in 2 days he'll be 2 months!!! Wow! It's amazing how fast life goes by. I am so blessed to have two healthy beautiful children. Meah is so smart and Easton is growing a mile a minute! I am hoping to keep this better updated. I know I'm HUGE into cheching out and keeping up with everyone else's blogs. I'm hoping maybe mine will be interesting enough for someone to follow.